2023.03.29 Wed -
2023.04.03 Mon
About Sakura
2023.03.29 Wed -
2023.04.03 Mon
About Sakura

スコロパデンコは約10年前にドローイングとペインティングのシリーズ「Sakura at Night」を始め、毎年春になると日本を訪れることにしていました。彼女は千鳥ヶ淵、上野、隅田公園、目黒川、新宿御苑を散策しながら、東京が闇に包まれ、桜の美しさの本質がより鮮明に見える夜桜を描き、スケッチしていました。黒い紙や黒いキャンバスに暗闇で描くということは、赤、緑、黄はグレー、黄、ピンクは白、茶、青は黒と、すべての色がモノクロになるということです。そのため、ブラインドで描いた作品を翌日、太陽光の下で見ると、いつも色とりどりの素晴らしい驚きを与えてくれる。
Monaco-based Ukrainian artist Zoia Skoropadenko has been coming to Japan for many years to exhibit and paint during this wonderful season. This year she will be back to Japan for the cherry blossom season for the first time since 2019. Together with Japanese artist Kina Sato, she presents an exhibition dedicated to this beautiful season.
Skoropadenko started the series of drawings and paintings "Sakura at Night" about 10 years ago and she decided to visit Japan every spring. She was strolling through Chidorigafuchi, Ueno, Sumida Park, Meguro River and Shinjuku Gyoen painting and sketching the beauty of the cherry blossoms at night when the darkness covers Tokyo and the essence of sakura beauty appears more clear. Painting in darkness on black paper or black canvas means that all the colours are monochrome: red, green, ocre are grey, yellow, pink are white and brown and blue are black. So the next day result when the artist see her blind work in a sunlight always give a wonderful colourful surprise.
At current exhibition Skoropadenko presents her series of paintings "Cherry Blossoms at Night" for the first time in Japan.
This year, Kina Sato, an up-and-coming Japanese artist from Tokyo, will participate. Sato uses traditional paints: animal glue, natural pigments and soot. She uses casein her tempera her painting technique. Her work is influenced by mural decorations found around the world from the Ice Age to the Kofun period. For this exhibition she created a special series of paintings dedicated to cherry blossoms.
- 会期
- 2023.03.29 Wed - 2023.04.03 Mon
- 場所
- Creative Lounge MOV aiiima2
- 時間
- 11:00-19:00 *初日3/29は13:00から、最終日4/3は18:00まで
- 主催
- Zoia Skoropadenko
- 共催
- Kina Sato